
I am pleased to welcome you to my personal blog, which I started in March 2009. I first became interested in blogging about five years ago, using old "blogger.com", which was cumbersome to use and I never mastered. About a year ago I discovered that Google had bought "blogger.com" and had revised it considerably, making it fun to use, so much so that I have devised at least 15 blogs on various subjects and frequently add posts and Gadgets to them.

Friday, May 1, 2009

William T. Johnson and the Cavalry

Around 1930, when I was about six years old, at my grandparents' home in Elberton, GA, I was in the garden area behind the house, I was drinking a chocolate soda, and I was watching what traffic there was on College Avenue. Then I saw what I was back there to see, or not, what I have always considered to be a troop of US Army Cavalry, a well-ordered group of uniformed men on horseback. Later that day, I was riding back to Washington with my parents and my aunt Mamie Hardy on a detour through Oglethorpe County. On the right of the road as we approached the covered bridge over Broad River I saw this same troop of cavalry camped informally.

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