Ashton Kutcher beat CNN to one million followers on the social media platform Twitter at 2:13am EST on Friday, April 17th. To celebrate his triumph over the network giant, Kutcher is sending 10,000 mosquito nets to help Malaria No More fight malaria in Africa. This will help protect 20,000 children from this disease—and raise awareness just in time for World Malaria Day on April 25th!
Early Friday morning as his numbers pulled ahead, Ashton showed off a check to Malaria No More for $100,000, already cut and signed, during a live video feed as he counted down to one million followers.
Ashton is helping Malaria No More raise awareness for World Malaria Day on April 25th and galvanizing his Twitter army to spread the word about how the world is fighting—and winning—the battle against the disease. This is an incredible way to leverage new, innovative tools and technology to battle an ancient disease.
"We're so grateful to Ashton and all of his Twitter followers for reaching the million mark and helping Malaria No More send ten thousand mosquito nets to help families in Africa protect themselves from malaria," said Scott Case, CEO of Malaria No More. "By leveraging new technologies like Twitter we are participating in one of the biggest pro-social movements in history and saving lives from malaria at the same time."
Watch Ashton cross the million mark
As this Twitter experiment shows, every individual can be part of making sweeping, global change and having the best possible impact by saving lives. Twitter can help raise awareness and launch a movement to get millions involved in supporting malaria control efforts worldwide. The malaria community is winning the fight against malaria—we need to use every weapon in our arsenal to declare victory against this deadly disease and reach our goal of universal access to malaria interventions by December 31, 2010.
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