
I am pleased to welcome you to my personal blog, which I started in March 2009. I first became interested in blogging about five years ago, using old "blogger.com", which was cumbersome to use and I never mastered. About a year ago I discovered that Google had bought "blogger.com" and had revised it considerably, making it fun to use, so much so that I have devised at least 15 blogs on various subjects and frequently add posts and Gadgets to them.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I am an Army Brat

Just now I realized that I have not published a post since early April. I've been very busy at my new job as secretary of the Washington Kiwanis Club, which is still in process of converting to online. It's been a lot of fun. I've spent all of my life in some form of military - the National Guard, the Army Reserve, active duty, Retired Reserve - so I appreciate the following article.

I was born in Germany, in 1987, on an Army medical facility, people
still ask me if I’m an American. I have moved more times than most
people can comprehend. I have watched more of my friends drive away,
 knowing full well that I will never see them again, than I care to
remember. But I would notthe trade it for anything.
I have lived in Germany, Arizona, North Carolina, Virginia, Rhode
Island, Florida, Indiana, and now, as an adult, I live in Virginia,
and work in Washington D.C., for the Army that I love, that I
trust…that has truly ke pt me agile in an ever changing world.
I was always taught that failure is never an option, quitting is
simply not an acceptable way out.
I feel safer when the city I’m in starts with the word Fort, and my
favorite statue is Iron Mike.
Some kids dressed like Power Rangers for Halloween, I dressed like a
Civilians like fighter jets and fast cars… I love C-130s and HMMWVs.
I understand the difference between BDUs, DCUs, and ACUs, and know
what color boots go with each.
I went to 3 high schools in Rhode Island, Florida, and Arizona, most
other kids would have been battered, bruised, and broken, I pushed myself
to excel.
I have watched my dad leave to fight the enemy whenever he is needed,
and it has taught me that there are leaders, and there are followers:
soldiers follow orders, so that everyone else can lead normal lives.
I am an Army brat.
I am the son of a Warrior, and my family is a team.
My father serves the people of the United States and we live the Army Values.
I am happy to sacrifice, Mission First!
I was taught to never accept defeat.
I will never quit, it is not in my blood.
I will be there whenever my family needs me.
I am disciplined, taught to adapt and overcome; proficient in
communication and perseverance.
I always understand who I am, and equip myself with skills to overcome.
I am an expert; I will not stand for less.
I stand ready to assist, defend, and protect all that my family unit stands for.
I am the son of a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.
I am an Army Brat.
Submitted by Alexander T. Miller

  1. Dawn Miller
    I am the mom of this Army brat, who has learned so much from our nomadic lifestyle. I am proud of him and our family and our values. This life is anything but easy. It is so difficult to say good-bye to friends every year or two. But all the factors that make up our life have made us stronger and better people. In the end, that is what life is all about.

  2. #2
    Thank you, everyone, for the support.

  3. Stacy Bathrick
    This is awesome! I want to frame this and put it in my children’s bedroom! Thank you for so articulately telling the story for other Army Brats!

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